Why teach art?
Education plays a role in human development. It evolves society and I want to contribute to this evolution. I believe that we are all students and teachers of this human experience. Art is and will be a constant in my life. My belief is that art makes the world a better place, that it is nurturing and it is a way to process our internal/external world. It is not just about aesthetics but the life lessons one can get from creating. Art teaches patience, discipline, exploration & much more.
I want to make an impact on society through my love for art. Hoping that this will inspire others, that they will make a difference as well. That others realize how beautiful the creative process is. Teaching allows me to share knowledge and build connections.
My upbringing and background definitely has made an impact on why I want to be an art teacher. Education is valuable and everyone is deserving of it. My appreciation for art and education all contribute to why I want to be an art teacher.